Some experiments and thoughts on all things from Mitchell Simoens
Written by Mitchell Simoens who is a long time nerd developing software and building computers and gadgets. Anything expressed on this website are Mitchell Simoens's alone and do not represent his employer.

Handling user session with routes

7 min read

I'd like to first state that there are literally thousands of ways to handle this and is dependent on how you handle user sessions within yo...

Delaying launch for stores to load

3 min read

A common request I hear from many people is how to delay the application's launch method from being executed. First, let's investigate the p...

The death of major versions?

2 min read

\<rant> I for one, love updating an app and seeing a new major version released. It's like Christmas morning, what new goodies am I gonna ge...

Requiring classes

4 min read

Since Ext JS 4 came out, Ext JS supported loading classes on demand during development. You do this using the requires property in your Ext

How Not To Recruit

4 min read

Recruiters... more precisely tech recruiters... You are a necessary evil but there is a right way and a wrong way to go about recruiting. Fi...

I hate running in Florida

3 min read

For the last year, I've lived in Florida. In this year, my training has been quite different than it did in Missouri (where I lived prior)....

Override Compatibility

2 min read

Software is and always will be buggy, let's be honest. While being honest, Ext JS certain isn't bug free. So if you're like me, you may come...

Use of a base url in a utility class

3 min read

I had an idea the other day and I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of it sooner. For the longest time I've always advocated to have a singlet...

Tough Mudder 2015 - Gulf Coast

11 min read

Last year, I decided to set some goals for myself (read more). I decided to sign up for several Tough Mudders throughout the year in order t...

rootProperty as a function!

3 min read

When I design an endpoint to return some JSON data for consumption in a grid, I always nest the data in the data property so that I can prov...

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